Call for Papers for the Migration and Refugees stream
Historical Materialism Athens Conference 2023 Call for abstracts
20-23 April 2023, Panteion University, Athens
Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2022
For all inquiries, please contact: [email protected]
While physical, digital, and categorical borders are multiplying all over the world, creating a stratified system of differential inclusion, migrant and refugee struggles are spreading inside and outside camps, workplaces, and neighborhoods all over the world dealing with over-exploitation and multiple oppressions based, among others, on race, gender, religion, and colonial traditions. The Migration and Refugees stream is intended to bring together Marxist, autonomist Marxist and other critical, interdisciplinary and transnational approaches contributing to the study of migration from a political perspective.
We welcome presentations and panel proposals on the following themes (not exhaustively):
We welcome submissions for panels and individual papers. Abstracts should be under 300 words and be sent to the Historical Materialism Athens 2023 call for papers. We stress that the conference will be in person. Panel chairs should be clearly indicated where appropriate.